2024年2月3日に推古天皇元年(593)に聖徳太子が建立した四天王寺の東大門が目の前という最高の場所でAUN COFFEE という名前のお店を開業しました。

On February 3, 2024, we opened a shop called AUN COFFEE in a prime location right in front of the Higashidaimon of Shitennoji Temple, which was built by Prince Shotoku in the first year of Emperor Suiko (593).

2024年2月3日,我们在推古天皇元年(593年)圣德太子建造的四天王寺东大门前的黄金地段开设了一家名为AUN COFFEE的商店。

僕の夢は ” 美味しい ” で人を笑顔にする事です。

My dream is to make people smile with delicious food.



When I first made homemade cookies for my mother and school friends when I was in second grade, I still remember the smiles on their faces, saying, “They’re delicious! I want more!”



From around that time, I started to love making sweets, and became interested in pound cakes, cream puffs, and bread, such as melon bread, and even though I was in the lower grades, I started making croissants at home instead of eating them myself. As a child, I loved forcing myself to eat and then opening my eyes to see their reaction. She loved making sweets so much that on her last Valentine’s Day in high school, she took a cooler box and prepared four types of sweets for her classmates over several days.

大约从那个时候起,我开始喜欢上做甜食,对磅蛋糕、奶油泡芙、哈密瓜面包之类的面包产生了兴趣,即使是低年级,我也开始在家做牛角面包,而不是吃它们。我自己。小时候,我喜欢强迫自己吃东西,然后睁开眼睛看他们的反应。 我非常喜欢制作糖果,以至于在高中的最后一个情人节,我拿了一个冷藏盒,花了几天的时间为同学们准备了四种糖果。

製菓の専門学校で2年間学び、お菓子の有名店でパティシエとしての経験を積み、コーヒーはボタン一つ押せば抽出が始まる簡単な飲み物だと考えていたのですが、偶然入ったお店で飲んだスペシャルティコーヒーの味わいに電撃が走るほどに感動した私は 「お菓子だけだと足りない!このコーヒーが必要だ!」と製菓店を退職することを決意しました。その後はプロのバリスタになることを目指し、大阪心斎橋にあるLiLo Coffee Roastersで経験を積み、目の前のお客様が楽しんでくれるような1杯を抽出するために、様々な技術の大会、笑顔と想いを伝えるInstagramのライブを3年間毎日配信を続け、より深くコーヒーについて知識や技術を身につけました 。

After studying at a confectionery school for two years and gaining experience as a pastry chef at a famous confectionery shop, I thought that coffee was a simple drink that started brewing with the push of a button, but when I happened to enter a shop, I was so moved by the taste of the specialty coffee I drank that I decided to quit my job at the confectionery shop, thinking, “Sweets alone aren’t enough! I need this coffee!” After that, he aimed to become a professional barista and gained experience at LiLo Coffee Roasters in Shinsaibashi, Osaka, where he participated in various technical competitions, smiles and I have been broadcasting my thoughts on Instagram live every day for three years, and have acquired deeper knowledge and techniques about coffee.

在糕点学校学习了两年,并在一家著名的糕点店担任糕点师后,我以为咖啡是一种简单的饮料,按一下按钮就可以开始冲泡,但当我碰巧走进一家商店时,我我被我喝的特色咖啡的味道所感动,于是我决定辞去糖果店的工作,心想:“光有糖果是不够的!我需要这种咖啡!” 之后,他以成为一名专业咖啡师为目标,在大阪心斋桥的LiLo Coffee Roasters积累了经验,参加了各种技术比赛,微笑和我三年来每天在Instagram上直播自己的想法,并获得了更深入的咖啡知识和技术。


Counting the preparation period for my dream, I have 7 years of experience in the field + 20 years if I add up the feelings I have had since I was in the second grade of elementary school.


お店の名前は ” 阿吽の呼吸 ” という言葉が由来になっています。2人以上の人が言葉を交わさなくても息ぴったりに気持ちや行動が一致するという意味があります。

The name of the shop comes from the word “Aun’s breath”. It means that two or more people are in perfect harmony in their feelings and actions without having to exchange words.

店名源自“Aun’s Breath”一词。 它意味着两个或两个以上的人在情感和行动上完全和谐,无需言语交流。


Life becomes more enjoyable when people connect with each other. When the time and space that flow with people other than people match, it becomes a comfortable place to be. The combination of coffee and sweets makes it even more delicious. When two things overlap as if they were breathing, an experience that feels like a journey is born.

当人们相互联系时,生活变得更加愉快。 当与人以外的人流动的时间和空间相匹配时,它就会成为一个舒适的地方。 咖啡和甜点的结合,更加美味。 当两件事像呼吸一样重叠时,一种感觉就像一场旅程的体验就诞生了。


We named the store AUN because we want to provide a fun experience where you can search and find something that suits you.

我们将商店命名为 AUN 是因为我们希望提供一种有趣的体验,您可以在其中搜索并找到适合您的东西。

AUN COFFEEで使用するコーヒー豆は最近、人気のスペシャルティコーヒーと言われるコーヒー豆を使用します。

The coffee beans used at AUN COFFEE are coffee beans that have recently become popular as specialty coffee.

AUN COFFEE使用的咖啡豆是最近作为精品咖啡而流行的咖啡豆。


To put it simply, “This is a coffee that has been rated as delicious according to international standards for quality and taste evaluation.”


素晴らしい美味しさであるためには、 コーヒーの豆(生育)からカップ(お客様に提供される)までの全ての段階において、 一貫した体制・工程・品質管理が徹底していることが必須です。スペシャルティコーヒーの要件として、 生産国から消費国にいたるコーヒー産業全体の永続的発展に寄与するものとし、サステナビリティとトレーサビリティであることが重要で、コーヒーを飲む人は美味しさで幸せになる、農園の人々は正当な評価と価値に見合った報酬を得る。

In order for coffee to taste great, it is essential that a consistent system, process, and quality control be implemented at every stage, from the coffee beans (growing) to the cup (serving to customers). The requirements for specialty coffee are that it contributes to the lasting development of the coffee industry as a whole, from producing countries to consuming countries, and that it is important to be sustainable and traceable. People receive fair recognition and compensation commensurate with their worth.

为了让咖啡味道极佳,从咖啡豆(种植)到杯子(提供给顾客)的每个阶段都必须实施一致的系统、流程和质量控制。 对精品咖啡的要求是,它有助于整个咖啡行业从生产国到消费国的持久发展,并且重要的是可持续和可追溯,人们得到与其价值相称的公平认可和补偿。


We believe that specialty coffee makes everyone involved happy.


最後に、AUN COFFEEは、大阪・四天王寺という歴史ある地に根ざしながらも、世界への展開を目指しております。コーヒーとお菓子を通じて、文化や言葉の違いを越えたコミュニケーションを生み出し、多様な背景を持つ人々が集まるコミュニティを目指します。世界中のお客様に「美味しい」 で人を笑顔にし、楽しんでいただけるような、空間や体験を提供すること。それが、AUN COFFEEが世界に向けて掲げる使命です。

Finally, AUN COFFEE is rooted in the historic area of Shitennoji, Osaka, but aims to expand to the world. Through coffee and sweets, we aim to create communication that transcends differences in culture and language, and create a community where people from diverse backgrounds gather. To provide customers around the world with spaces and experiences that make people smile and have fun with delicious food. That is AUN COFFEE’s mission to the world.

最后,AUN COFFEE扎根于历史悠久的大阪四天王寺地区,但旨在扩展到世界各地。 我们的目标是通过咖啡和糖果来创造超越文化和语言差异的沟通,并创建一个来自不同背景的人们聚集在一起的社区。 为世界各地的顾客提供让人微笑并享受美味佳肴的空间和体验。 这就是 AUN COFFEE 对世界的使命。

さらに、スペシャルティコーヒーと手作りお菓子の品質にこだわり続けることで、世界各国からの観光客だけでなく、地域コミュニティにも愛される場所になることを心から願っています。今後、国内外の様々な場所でAUN COFFEEを展開し、世界中の人々に新たな「美味しい」体験と幸せを届けることで、小さな一歩から世界へと繋がる大きな橋渡しをしていきたいです。

In addition, by continuing to focus on the quality of our specialty coffee and handmade sweets, we sincerely hope that we will become a place that is loved not only by tourists from all over the world, but also by the local community. In the future, we would like to expand AUN COFFEE to various locations both domestically and internationally, delivering new delicious experiences and happiness to people around the world, and building a bridge that connects small steps to the world.

此外,通过继续专注于我们的精品咖啡和手工甜点的质量,我们真诚地希望我们能够成为一个不仅受到世界各地游客喜爱的地方,而且也受到当地社区的喜爱。 未来,我们希望将AUN COFFEE拓展到国内外各地,为世界各地的人们带来新的美味体验和幸福,架起一座小步通向世界的桥梁。

世界に向けたAUN COFFEEの旅は、これからが本当の始まりです。皆様の変わらぬご支援とご愛顧を、心よりお願い申し上げます。

AUN COFFEE’s journey to the world really begins from now on. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and patronage.

AUN COFFEE的走向世界的旅程从现在开始才真正开始。 我们衷心感谢您一如既往的支持和惠顾。